sunnuntai 4. kesäkuuta 2017


Sivistys ei ole vain tietoa, sivistys 

ei ole vain taitoa. 

Helsingin luonnontiedelukiossa 

sivistys on älyllistä uteliaisuutta, 

eettistä tajua, kykyä nähdä olennaista 

ja tahtoa toimia. #kerranHelluainaHellu

(My high school's (Hellu) motto)

Finally! I graduated from high school 🎓❤ got my white cap and couldn't be happier. Now I can relax and not think about school for months (before I start to study for the med school exam in Autumn). Yesterday was just an amazing day and I'm so grateful for my friends, family, relatives and my boyfriend that they made my day perfect 💖 I feel blessed to be surrounded by all these wonderful people and also about the quality of education I have access to because I live in Finland 🇫🇮♡ I also feel super blessed by the gifts I receive from everyone 💖

What I really love about my graduation is that I got to graduate on my dad's birthday but also in the year that the Independent Finland turns 100 ♡ I'm really patriotic person and this just made my day. I didn't even plan it but even tho I usually wear pink or black etc, my dress was navy blue with white lace aka the colours of the Finnish flag 🇫🇮

It's still hard to realise that I've graduated but I'm sure it will sink in during the next few months or so 🙈 Now just working till the 30th of June and then a couple months of summer holiday ♡

I hope you all have a great day and that you stay tuned for my next post 😉💋

P.S. more pics (taken by professional photographer) coming later, when I get them.


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