lauantai 29. huhtikuuta 2017

Long time no see...😅

I know I've been away for a long time, sorry about that 🙈 I can't really say that it's bc I've been busy or anyth since I'm just chilling all day everyday 😅👌 I just haven't really had anyth to say...

I wanna be able to write posts often but I also want that my posts are good and entertaining and not just some nonsense from the back of my brain. I've been trying to think of some ideas but I guess my brain just stopped working after my finals, and I can't really blame them 😂

Like I said, there hasn't been much going on in my life lately. I've used my time to finally hang out with some friends that I don't see that often. I've also started to go to the gym. I try to get myself go there at least 2-3 times a week. I went today and it was the 3rd time this week so success, little tap on the back and so on 😂👍 I actually have started to kinda enjoy the gym, okay well if I get to use the car, the bus makes the trip twice as long even tho the gym is like 4,5km away from my home 😅 and with twice as long I mean like it takes 45-60mins for me to do my work out and the bus + walking takes like 40-45mins, so yeah literally it doubles the time of the trip... (kiitos kehĂ€rata 🖕)

Besides friends and gym, the rest of my days I've spent watching tv or searching for a dress to my graduation... It's driving me crazy, like I know I'm picky + bc I'm curvy it's not that easy but I've literally been searching for a dress for a month now and I've not only searched from Finland but also from UK... I have like a month till my graduation and I have a photoshoot a couple of days before that so I'm starting to freak out. Also bc before I find the dress I also can't decide my shoes or makeup etc... I know totally #firstworldproblems but cmoon you only graduate once from high school so you gotta look gorgeous on that day 💁

I feel like a post that was supposed to just say like I'm sorry for not posting much and telling what I've been upto just turned into some complaining post but oh well I think that happens to a lot of things in my life 😂😅

I'll just put some pics in the end so you can look at them if you were too lazy to read the whole post ✌ also if you don't already follow me on instagram or snapchat you totally should bc I post a lot of stuff about my life there so you should totally check those out, @katjusa1 😉

- KK

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