So as you can tell from the title, my boyfriends army is now finally over, 255/255 days ✌ It's been really tough at times since the whole time we've been dating he has been in the army and sometimes there's been times when we've seen each other for like 3-6 days a month...sometimes 10 days straight without even talking but now it's finally over and we can start to live like "normal" life 👌
On the other hand the next 8 months won't be that much easier since he is starting his studies tomorrow and I'm studying to get to the med school as you may know and like I've said before, it's extremely hard to get into med school in Finland.... But I'm sure we will manage because we love each other and want to be together. That's all that really matters at the end of the day ❤ Can't wait to start this new "chapter" with him 💋
We'll be also celebrating our 8 month anniversary together tomorrow and I'm excited since there's actually only been one "month-anniversary" that we've got to be together (the 6 month, thank God). I don't yet know what we are gonna do after he gets out from school but I'm sure we'll figure it out then 🙈
I hope you all have a great day and I'll see you in my next post 💋
(P.s. I know my posts are normally pretty short and I apologize that, I would love to hear ideas from you guys about what should I talk about etc)
- KK